How To Reduce Your Caravan Insurance Costs

When you want to renew the insurance policy on your caravan, it’s a good idea to do some research and get a few different quotes. Although caravan insurance isn’t mandatory apart from when a touring caravan is being towed on a public highway, there are few people who would risk not having any cover for what can be really quite a valuable asset.

However, no one likes paying more than they need to for insurance, so when you want to get caravan insurance quotes, here are some tips to help you reduce the premiums.

Be secure
The more secure your caravan is, the less likely it is to be stolen and the lower the risk it represents for an insurance company. Many insurers will reward caravan owners with discounts for taking out extra security measures. These include having a hitchlock and wheel clamp for the caravan, as well as having a security alarm installed. If you also have a tracking device fitted, this means that the caravan can be traced if it is stolen, and usually will get you a discount on an insurance policy.

The location of your caravan during times of storage is also relevant for insurance purposes. The riskiest place to keep a caravan is on the roadside, if it’s on your driveway, the risk diminishes and if it’s in a gated storage facility then this is even less of a risk.

Lower the contents value, raise your excess
Reduce the contents value in your caravan and you should be charged less for your premiums. Experiment when getting quotes with different levels of cover and see if it makes a noticeable difference to the total quote. Similarly you can offer to pay a higher voluntary excess before making a claim, and this should also help to bring down the policy cost.

Go with a specialist
There are different specialist insurers for different categories of insurance. For example, Look Insurance specialises in leisure insurance – for boats, caravans and mobile homes, motorhomes, holiday homes and classic cars.

When you’ve got a range of quotes, you’ll easily see which is the best value and you may save yourself some money in the process.


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