There is no need to jump into selling your home. Before you do so you should think about all the things you can do in order to increase its value. With a couple of improvements, not only will you get more money for the house but it will also be much easier to find the buyers. None of these upgrades costs much but these can be crucial when it comes to buyers choosing your house. Here are a couple of upgrades you can make that will eventually put some extra money in your pocket.
Paint over the whole place
There is no better cost-effective way to increase the value of your home than to paint the whole place over. New paint gives your place fresh and clean look – which spells value. When choosing the colors keep in mind that majority of the people love neutral colors. A gallon of paint will not cost more than 35AUD but can increase the value of the whole house drastically. Buying all the rollers, brushes and painter’s tapes won’t cost much either.
Clean up the lawn
Having a patchy and overgrown lawn will make your home stand out in a bad way. Lawn is one of the first things the potential buyers will see and you will want to make a strong impression. The best thing you can do is hire the professionals to do all the trimming for you. This will not cost you more than 200AUD and it is a great way to earn more once you sell the house.
Improve the air quality
Buyers are more likely to choose the place that looks fresh and smells nicely. So if you have any old carpets in your home you should think about throwing them away. Old carpets can be full of contaminants and allergens which will decrease the quality of air on the whole place. You can also think about getting a new floor if the one you have is too old. Hard-surfaced floors do not hold any odors and are much easier to clean.
Do a deep clean
Fresh and clean homes are always more appealing to the buyers. So one of the best cost-effective ways to increase your home’s value is to do a deep clean. Even if you clean regularly there can still be some nooks and crannies that you have missed. If you want to get more money for the place everything should be shine from the moment the potential buyers enter your home. The best way to make sure everything is looks great is to use a steam cleaner to dust the ceiling fan and clean the curtains. You can also steam clean all the tiles and windows.
Redo the bathroom
The two rooms that can benefit the most from any type of renovation are bathroom and kitchen. You can make some small upgrades in your bathroom for less than 800AUD. Replacing some of the old vanities or plumbing can do miracles for the selling price of your home. Another thing you can do is replace the old tiles with a more modern ones. Getting a modern look will surely appeal to most of the buyers and help you get more money for the house.
Make sure you do all of these small upgrades and you are guaranteed to end up with some extra money in your pocket. If you are not sure if there are more things you can do, consult a designer who can help you come up with more ideas.
How to Increase the Value of Your Home
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