Financing your business growth requires the right amount of capital. Nowadays, everyone need credit cards for almost everything, so this can be your asset or your liability. If you have a good credit standing, then it would be easier to get the financing you need.
If your partner has the better credit than you, then you ay want to change ownership and let your partner get the financing you need. However, this is not your only option since there are other ways still. You can rollover some funds like your 401, IRA and even your retirement plan into your business. However, you need a company lawyer to help you handle this if you do not want to run into some future problems.
Other options to explore include equipment financing if you have some equipments to use as collateral or you may need a larger down payment. You can also explore other small business loans alternatives like factoring, merchant cash advances, or purchase order financing to help you tide over while your business is on the slump.