Nowadays, the easiest way to get fast cash for emergency cases without paperwork and credit rating requirement would be to apply for short-term payday loans. The main requirement for being eligible is to have a stable job with a stable income of at least $1000 per month.
With so many payday loan lenders today that you can find in the internet, television ads, word of mouth, or through yellow pages; making a quick search in the internet will generate a number of results. You can even sign up online for one or apply over the telephone. What set each company apart from the others will depend on the kind of policies they are offering. Therefore, it is better to shop around first before committing to one company.
Be wary of scammers though and make sure that they deliver on their promises. Check out the rate they are offering, and make a thorough research of the company that you want to apply with. When applying for payday loans online, make sure that you have all the necessary documents with you such as IDs, payroll stubs, etc. Fill out all the required fields in the online form, including your bank account number, and then choose your first due date. Check your email if they approved you or not; or they may approved you manually, so call the company if you have some questions.