Better rates for Forex

If you travel abroad regularly whether for holidays or business or because you have a second property overseas – you’re probably wasting money. That’s because most people still make the fundamental mistake when sending money abroad of using the traditional method of a High Street bank or the Post Office. This is a ridiculous state of affairs once you look a little deeper into the whole Forex (foreign exchange business).

send money

The fact is that the closer you can get to the spread when it comes to exchanging money between different currencies – the cheaper this will be for you. And, for the uninitiated, the spread refers to the difference between the buy and sell prices between currencies. 

All international currency exchange companies make their money in the difference between what they’re able to deal at – and the price you pay. This may sound like something of a “licence to print money” and it kind of is! But make no mistake; this is a fiercely competitive business – which is great news for us the consumer – and it’s become ever more competitive, which is even further good news.

Most of the real competition is happening online these days. The lower international currency exchangers can keep their overheads, the tighter their spreads are likely to be. And what’s more; it’s never been easier to get different quotes quickly online – from anywhere you have a computer with web access anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. The best companies will even alert you if and when an exchange rate moves in your favour.

So today’s foreign exchange rates should be better than ever for all of us even for small amounts – yet it’s surprising just how many people haven’t work up to this fact yet. Don’t let this be you. There’s no need to trade currencies in the old-fashioned way anymore.


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